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Visual Presentations: Welcome

This guide provides students with information and resources to create visual presentations.

Welcome to visual presentation

Why is visual presentation important? 

30% of the brain is dedicated solely to vision. 90% of all the information we take in from the world, we take in visually.

Kennedy, B. (2010, May 26). TEDxDartmouth - Brian Kennedy - visual literacy: why we need it [video]. Retrieved 


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Guide outline

Do you have an assignment that needs to be visually appealing? 

This guide:

  • ​outlines the major visual elements: font, colour, layout
  • provides links to useful resources
  • examines a few specific formats you will come across during your studies. 

Presenting information visually helps to create: 

1) Understanding (for example, to build meaning, make connections and evoke a reaction). 2) Unity (for example, to unify the information and to make it consistent). 3) Usability (for example,to make it easy to use and to make it accessible).

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Digital resources

Check out these resources below:

Flipster provides access to full text digital magazines on many subjects including gardening, art, music, photography and more.

Kanopy provides access to streaming videos on subjects relevant to Melbourne Polytechnic courses including education, art, health, humanities and science.

Ask library staff for help accessing these online products.