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Essential Library Information for Off Campus & Online Students: Databases A- Z

Databases A- Z

A full list of all databases can be found on the Databases A-Z webpage.


A-Z Databases

For help with searching individual databases please contact the library.

One of our friendly library staff will be more than happy to help! 


Alexander Street Press logo

Alexander Street Press

A collection of Veterinary education videos.

Arts Hub logo

Arts Hub

ArtsHub is Australia's leading independent online resource dedicated to the world of the arts.

Students can register as users using the Melbourne Polytechnic student email address.

i2i logo
Australian Standards i2i

The library subscribes to the Australian Standards i2i online platform to allow current students and staff easy access to Australian Standards.

Our Library guide can assist you in logging in remotely.

EBSCO host logo


Collections include:

Arts and Architecture complete

Aus/NZ Reference Centre (full text newspapers)

Business Source Premier

CINAHL Plus (Nursing and allied health)

Education Source

Environment Complete

Hospitality and Tourism Complete

Research Starters (Business and Education)

SocINDEX (Sociology Research)

Vocational Studies Complete

Ibis World logo

IBIS World

Australia’s most comprehensive collection of Industry Market Research, Industry Risk Ratings and Company Research.

Informit logo


A database with a strong focus on providing relevant and specialist Australian content.

Collections include:

Australian Public Affairs Full Text



Humanities and Social Science

JSTOR logo

JSTOR - Music

Online journals, primary sources and books on the topic of music.

Linkedin Learning logo

Linkedin Learning

A collection of over 6000 online courses in the areas of business, technology and creativity.

Sign up steps to access your free student account are available here

Plant File logo


PlantFile is plant information / photographs and their pest and diseases. PlantFile Online has the latest up to date information and can be accessed here.

Safetyhub logo


Melbourne Polytechnic Library now has access to educational videos around the subject areas of construction and workplace OH&S.