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Health & Community Courses: Community Services

A guide with information for health and community students.

Web Resources

Support Organisations Government Websites

Australian Council of Social Services

Safe + Equal

Commission for Children and Young People

Relationships Victoria

Australian Human Rights Commission

Department of Social Services

Department of Health and Human Services 

Head to Health

Online Research

Social Care Online

The UK’s largest database of information and research on all aspects of social care and social work.

Create a free account to access content.

Analysis & Policy Observation

APO is an open access evidence platform – making public policy research and resources accessible and useable.

Social Policy Research Centre (UNSW)

The Social Policy Research Centre is at the forefront of research generating real change for individuals and communities in Australia, and internationally.


Academic Journals provide a reliable source of academic, peer reviewed information. Through the library you have access to thousands of online journal articles. You can search by topic and keyword or browse journals that are relevant to your subject.

All journals have articles submitted from around the world, but those published in Australia often have more local content.

These are some journals that cover topics relevant to your subject area.​​​​​​

Australian International

Communities, Children and Families Australia

Australian Social Work

Australian Journal of Social Issues

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health

Developing Practice: The Children, Youth and Family Work Journal

Social Work (USA/UK)


Online Videos From the library

ABC iview: You can't ask that

YouTube: ReMoved

YouTube: Our Generation

Relationships Australia

As well as books and journals, DVD programs and documentaries offer a great way to learn about community service.

Therapeutic journeys exploring roadblocks and effective counselling

Good question: solution oriented counselling

Encountering grief and loss

It takes a community: preventing child abuse and neglect

Kanopy - thoughtful entertainment

Kanopy provides access to streaming videos on subjects relevant to Melbourne Polytechnic courses including education, art, health, humanities and science.

Print Books
