Your Staff ID card is also your Library borrower card.
To activate your library membership complete a Borrower Registration form at any campus library and nominate a PIN (password)
The Library Password (PIN) is essential for:
To login to the library using your password to access your Library Account
Libraries are located at all Melbourne Polytechnic campuses.
Library opening hours vary across campuses and may change during semester break.
After hours computer labs with printers are available at some locations.
Contact Us
At each campus library you will find:
Your Staff ID card is required to use the printers.
For detailed loans information refer to
Melbourne Polytechnic Borrower Guidelines
WiFi is accessible in all Melbourne Polytechnic libraries for currently enrolled students and current staff members.
For assistance with WiFi setup:
Laptops are available at the library for Staff and Students.These can be loaned out at the front desk like most library items.
Restrictions Apply
Laptops are available for loan at Preston, Fairfield and Epping Libraries