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Technology essentials for students: Moodle, Zoom & Teams

Introduction for new students to help them get started with Tech at Melbourne Polytechnic

Accessing your Student Email

Your email address will be:

s(insert your student ID)

(For example :-

Your o365 password is your Melbourne Polytechnic student password. 

Accessing Virtual Class recordings

Moodle First Time Use

Moodle Navigation

Login to Zoom (Mobile) via SSO

Login to Zoom (Desktop) via SSO

Connecting to and downloading Zoom in Moodle - Video

Getting started with Virtual Classrooms

How to Guide_Teams setup for students

Submitting an Assignment

Using My Media

Moodle Downloading Documents

Moodle FAQ

What is Moodle? 

Where do I find Moodle? 

What is my password? 

Who do I ask if my course isn't correct or does not appear on my Moodle dashboard? 

I've submitted my work incorrectly. What do I do?