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Researcher Profiles: ORCID Profiles

The purpose of this guide: introducing Melbourne Polytechnic researchers to ideas and resources for creating researcher profiles

Activate your ORCID

Initiate these steps to get started with ORCID

Register with ORCID
Learn ways to use your ORCID (when submitting manuscripts, applying for grants, showcasing your work etc)
Share with others:  coupling your ID with your professional information - affiliations, grants, publications, collaborations


Anatomy of an ORCID Record: Click to enlarge

Note the different categories of information contained in this ORCID record example, and consider its potential to consolidate your researcher information into a single record 

ORCID record example:  click to enlarge

Image source:
CC0 license

Getting started with ORCID

When to use an ORCID ID: examples

-  when submitting manuscripts
-  when applying for grants
-  on institutional profile pages
-  to connect your existing profiles together eg      SCOPUS, ResearcherID 

Details that appear on an ORCID record

These are the categories that typically appear on an ORCID record:
- Name
- Alternative forms of name
- Biographical details
- Employment (current and former)
- Body of work (publications, conferences etc)
- Peer review activity
- Other IDs
- Keywords  

The ORCID ID Format

Your ORCID ID is made up of 16 digits, and is unique to you.  

The 16 digits are separated by hyphens (into groups of four) and preceded by ""

This is the format that you will use to promote your ORCID ID (in your published material, in online profiles, on social media posts, as an email footer in your correspondence, or on your other researcher profile pages)

Once obtained, the ID is unique to you, and will endure throughout name changes and the use of name variations (such as shortened first names), organisational moves, and so on.

Image source:    
CC0 Public Domain  

ORCID self-help materials

ORCID is a generous provider of self-help materials for new-starters, using both video and print/webpage formats.

Over 100 videos are available here:

searchable support area is accessible via this link: