Title: Adaptation Guide: A reference to adapting or revising an open textbook
Author: BCcampus Open Education (British Columbia)
Publication date: 2017, 2019 (update)
Theme: The why, what and how of making changes to an openly licensed textbook
Options: Download or read book online
- What is an adaptation?
- Why adopt an open textbook
- How to adapt an open textbook
- Final steps
- Challenges
Attribution: "Adaptation Guide: A reference to adapting or revising an open textbook" by BCcampus Open Education is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence, except where otherwise noted
Title: Modifying an Open Textbook: What you need to know
Author: Open Textbook Network
Theme: Step-by-step instructions for modifying an open textbook
Options: Download or read online
Quick Guide
- Basic considerations
- Step 1 Check licence
- Step 2 Identify format
- Step 3 Assess editability
- Step 4 Determine access
- Step 5 Publish textbook
Editing Format Guides
- Format guide: PDF
- Format guide: HTML
- Format guide: EPUB/MOBI
- Format guide: Pressbooks
- Format guide: OpenStax
Attribution: "Modifying an Open Textbook: What you need to know" by Open Textbook Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted
This webinar is a discussion between a number of pioneering Open Textbook creators (including the authors of the Adaptation Guides featured on this page). Throughout the conversation, you will hear about their experiences in adopting, modifying and creating Open Textbooks, together with some candid revelations of the pitfalls of the process. Worth watching!