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Engineering Technology (Civil): Need help with study?

Provides sources of information and library resources to support students studying engineering.

Books on study skills

The library has many books on the variety of study and academic skills needed by students.  Below is a sample of books that may be of interest to you.  Please ask Library staff if you would like to borrow any of these books.  

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Learning Skills support


Being a student can be challenging, and sometimes help is needed with skills such as:

  • academic writing
  • maths
  • time management
  • note-taking

Melbourne Polytechnic's Learning Skills team provide individual assistance to students with all these skills.  Appointments can be held via Zoom video at a time that suits you. 

Contact the library to make an appointment.

See the guide on Learning Skills to find out more about support available to you.

Technology support

Knowing how to use technology is essential when studying but it can be challenging. The Library has a guide to help with technology support including wifi, the student portal, Zoom, Moodle and printing. The library guide Technology essentials for students will help answer the most commonly asked questions!


