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Engineering Technology (Civil): Welcome

Provides sources of information and library resources to support students studying engineering.

What information is in this guide?

This guide provides information and links to library resources, relevant videos, and guides aimed at students studying engineering.

Help is available from Library staff either on campus or online.  Please don't hesitate to ask for assistance if needed - Library staff are here to support you with your studies.

Are you studying from home or off-campus?

The Library has created a guide on how to work effectively from home, including instructions on accessing e-resources such as ebooks, technology support, and finding information for assignments.  Click here to view the guide.


Image source: Free-photos/9091 Images 2016, Working from home, (copied and communicated under licence)



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Gallopin' Gertie - engineering success or failure?

The video below provides an insight into the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, nicknamed Gallopin' Gertie, in 1940.

Some claimed that the bridge was an engineering success while others declared it a failure as it collapsed just 4 months after completion. 

Find information on engineering services in Australia on IBISWorld

If you would like to know about engineering services in Australia, or major players in the Australian engineering industry, then check out IBISWorld industry reports.  IBISWorld reports comprise comprehensive information on the engineering industry including current and future trends, key companies, and financial data. IBISWorld can be accessed via the Databases A-Z link on the Library webpage.

Subject Guide

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Dianne Wisth
Senior Learning Support & Collections Librarian
Room PC203
Preston campus library
Ph. 9269 8861

What are the career options for engineers?

Would you like information about a career in civil engineering?

The Australian Government's website,, provides information for hundreds of careers including civil engineers.  Information on the website includes future grown, skill level, average weekly wage and work hours, and career pathways.

Information for civil engineers can be found here.


Image source: Free-Photos/9091 Images 2015, Bridge, (Copied and communicated under licence)