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Academic Integrity & Turnitin: Plagiarism

Turnitin instruction and discussion

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is when you use all or part of another person's work without referencing or citing the author or source. 

By citing your sources, most cases of plagiarism can be avoided.


Four common forms of plagiarism

The most obvious form of plagiarism. Directly copying a section of text from a source and passing it off as your own. 
Copying from an original source, then making small changes to wording and sentence structure.
Reusing work that you have previously submitted without including a citation.
This is when plagiarism occurs unintentionally. It usually happens when references or citations are missed. 

In the academic community, plagiarism is considered a form of theft and will be dealt with according to the severity of intent.

Consequences of plagiarism:

  • Having to repeat the assessment
  • Failing the assessment or course
  • Possible expulsion from Melbourne Polytechnic

As a student, it is your responsibility to be familiar with the Academic Integrity (Student) Procedure and the Student Discipline Policy. Ask your lecturer for details.  

So, the consequences are not worth the risk.... and it is not ethical!

Tips on how to prevent plagiarism

Planning and researching your paper
  • Plan your paper
  • Take clear, well-organised notes
  • Keep a record of your sources 
  • Learn how to evaluate your sources
Writing your paper
  • Learn how to paraphrase. The Purdue Online Writing Lab has a great article on Paraphrasing.
  • Remember to include a reference or citation for all information you have collected from other sources.
Get Help!
  • Ask for help

Plagiarism isn't always intentional, it can happen by accident if you forget to acknowledge someone else's work. To avoid this you need to pay attention to where your information is coming from.

Get Help

Book a Librarian for help with referencing and citation

Learning Skills Teachers help students with writing and understanding assignments. Contact the library to make an appointment.

Studiosity is a free and anonymous online study support service. Chat live with subject specialists or receive written feedback on an essay draft. Access Studiosity through Moodle.

Referencing Fundamentals Library Guide

The ideal guide for beginners.

  • Why you should reference

  • What types of materials you must reference

  • In-text citations, reference lists and bibliographies


Online Referencing Tool

Use the Online Referencing Tool to help create accurate citations in both Harvard and APA7 styles.

At Melbourne Polytechnic two styles of referencing are used: Harvard Style, and APA7 Style.

Check with your teacher to find out which style is used for your studies.