Image source: Jambulboy 2017, Question, questions. Viewed 20/04/2020., Pixabay license.
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay. Viewed 20/04/2020., Pixabay license.
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Spagnuolo, M 2013, Welcome to the Wood Whisperer! YouTube, viewed 04/05/2020. Copied and communicated under YouTube Standard License.
Custom Handcrafted Art Deco Furniture by Joel Liebman, 2013, YouTube. Viewed 14/06/2019. Copied and communicated under YouTube Standard License.
Victoria & Albert Museum 2015, How was it made?, The Branca Chair. YouTube. Victoria & Albert Museum, viewed 11/06/2019. Copied and communicated under YouTube Standard License.